UPDATE 1 (2011-4-29): Martyn Williams claims to have identified the name and purpose of the large communications center I identified on satellite imagery of North Korea:
If you’ve ever listened to The Voice of Korea on shortwave, you’ve probably heard broadcasts from this transmitter site. Kujang is one of the largest transmitter locations in the DPRK with, according to official records, 5 shortwave transmitters each capable of delivering a 200kW signal. That’s powerful enough to reach most corners of the world, given a clear frequency and good conditions.
I am not convinced that the site posted below is actually the Kujang short-wave transmitter. First of all, the towers are not located in the right county (Hyangsan, not Kuajng) and there are many more than five transmission towers.
I will post more as I uncover it.
ORIGINAL POST (2010-2-11): In Myohyangsan County ( 40.078134°, 126.111790°) is the largest collection of communications towers I have found in the DPRK…more than 20 towers clustered together.
You can click on the image to see a larger version.
Hat tip to a reader.
Could be a VLF site for communicating with submarines……