1. What if the story of Sin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hui was combined with Laura Ling and Euna Lee…and it was a comedy?
2. Satellite photo of the military parade in Pyongyang (via AP):
These sorts of events are practiced at the KPA facility in Mirim.
3. Watch North Korean movies (with subtitles)–YouTube
4. Learn North Korean (Defense Language Institute)
5. North Korean tractor simulator. It appears to be more sophisticated than an actual North Korean tractor!
6. The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceaușescu. In addition to great Kim Il-sung / Ceausescu footage, there is an amazing scene at the 1hr 59min mark where Constantin Pîrvulescu denounces Ceausescu’s abuse of party procedures. According to Wikipedia:
In November 1979, at the 12th Party Congress, he took the floor advocating against the re-election of Ceauşescu to the party leadership, accusing him of putting personal interests ahead of those of party and nation. He also accused the congress of neglecting the country’s real problems, being preoccupied in glorifying Ceauşescu.[1] This unprecedented attack came from a man who was a lifelong communist, with a lifelong association with Soviet-style communism (he was the only member of the Central Committee to oppose Khrushchev’s withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1958). Likewise, being 84 years of age, personal ambitions could not be a motivating factor for this speech. Thus, the Western press considered his remarks to be proof of dissatisfaction within the Party’s ranks. Pîrvulescu was kicked out of the room, stripped of his position as delegate to the congress and placed under strict supervision and house arrest.
Quite impressive what mr. Constantin Pîrvulescu did. You need balls to go to a commie rally and spoke against the current leader, if you fail to convince the audience then you known what will happen. Unfortunately the guy failed 🙁