Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
Though the exact figure is not known, China sent an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 tons of fertilizer to the North, according to sources in China.
In 2013, China supplied the North with 200,000 tons of fertilizer. Kwon Tae-jin of the GS&J Institute, an agricultural think tank in Seoul, said, “There are different ways of calculating harvest rates for different types of fertilizer and soil. But in case of urea fertilizer, it’s possible to produce two tons of food more for each ton of fertilizer.”
China also dramatically increased oil shipments to the North. A source in Beijing said it nearly doubled crude oil supplies to the North through pipelines from Dandong since Kim’s recent visits.
“Some 30,000 to 40,000 tons of oil is enough in the summer to maintain the lowest possible flow of oil in the pipelines to ensure that they don’t clog, and about 80,000 tons in winter,” the source added. “Though it’s summer now China has recently increased flow to the winter level.”
Full article/source:
China Doubles Oil Shipments to N.Korea After Kim’s Visit
Lee Kil-seong and Kim Myong-song
Chosun Ilbo