In an email from Paul Tija:
In the current financial and economic situation, companies face many challenges. They must cut costs, develop new products and find new markets. In these fields, North-Korea could be an interesting option. It is opening its doors to foreign enterprises, its labor costs are the lowest of Asia, and its skilled labor is of high quality. It established free trade zones to attract foreign investors and there are several sectors, including textile industry, agro business, fishing, shipbuilding, logistics, mining/rare metals and Information Technology that can be considered for trade and investment. Most of the North-Korean trade is currently taking place with its neighbours and the amount of production of the South-Korean factories in North-Korea continues to increase. The trade between North-Korea and China jumped from US$1,97 billion in 2007 to $3,47 billion in 2010. A growing number of European firms are exploring the country as well – for example companies currently producing in China, and where the wages are rising fast.
In early November, I will lead a Dutch business mission to North-Korea (already fully booked), but a second mission will take place as well, from 13 – 19 November. Do you want to explore new business opportunities for your company? Then join me on this unique trade and investment mission. The program includes individual matchmaking, company visits, network receptions and dinners. Furthermore, we will meet European business people who are working and living in North-Korea. At the beginning of the tour, in Beijing, we will take part in the seminar: “Doing business with DPRK” (tentative). After the trip to Pyongyang, we will return to Beijing, where you can take a connecting flight or extend your stay in China.
The program of this mission has been attached. In case you are interested to participate: please contact us as soon as possible, so we can start the visa-application procedure. If you are not able to join, then it is also possible for us to do marketresearch and to take part in local meetings in Pyongyang on your behalf.
See the Brochure and itinerary here (PDF).
With best regards, Paul Tjia (director)
GPI Consultancy, P.O. Box 26151, 3002 ED Rotterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
tel: +31-10-4254172
fax: +31-10-4254317