US Eased Sanctions on North Korea in 2007

Excerpts below…

Korea Times (click here for full article)
Yoon Won-sup

The Voice of America (VOA) said that U.S. President George W. Bush approved the lifting of some sanctions imposed on Pyongyang under an act governing human trafficking in mid-October, 2007. Washington notified the North of the decision.

The State Department designated North Korea as one of the worst states involved in human trafficking, and the act prevented the United States from offering any aid except humanitarian assistance.

But the easing allowed Washington to provide assistance in educational and cultural exchanges to the extent that the aid doesn’t damage its national interest.

This is the first time for the United States to lift any sanctions on North Korea since the communist country first appeared on its blacklist for human trafficking in 2003.

An official of the State Department said the rare measure came in order to improve ties and expand exchange with North Korea.


In a report on human trafficking in 2007, the State Department said prostitution and forced labor often take place in North Korea and human trafficking of female North Korean defectors also exists in China.

The department classified North Korea as the third-worst nation in the world in terms of human trafficking because Pyongyang hasn’t made any effort to improve the situation.


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