UPDATE 1 (2015-7-4): Voter rolls displayed at constituencies, sub-constituencies for election of deputies to people’s assemblies. According to KCNA:
Constituencies and sub-constituencies for the election of deputies to the provincial (municipal), city (district) and county people’s assemblies have displayed voter rolls on Saturday.
The voter rolls were worked out, thoroughly pursuant to the Law on the Elections of Deputies to the People’s Assemblies at All Levels.
Registered there are all citizens with suffrage residing in the relevant areas.
The voters are confirming whether they are correctly registered.
ORIGINAL POST (2015-6-9): According to Yonhap:
North Korea said Tuesday that it plans to select deputies to local assemblies in mid-July for the first time since the North’s leader Kim Jong-un took power in late 2011.
Elections for deputies to provincial, city and county people’s assemblies will take place July 19, according to the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.
The elections are held every four years, and the number of seats is determined by the population of each area.
However, they are widely considered a formality as the candidates hand-picked by the ruling Workers’ Party are rubber-stamped into office.
The latest local elections were held in July 2011 when Kim was the communist nation’s heir-apparent.
Elected deputies hold a meeting once or twice every year to set their provinces’ budgets and draw up plans for law enforcement, experts said.
Read the full story here:
N. Korea to hold local elections in July