North Korean academic publications abroad

The Hanguk Ilbo reported on a Korean VOA story about North Korean publications abroad. A friend was kind enough to translate this article for me:

Voice of America (VOA) reported on the 25th that Thompson Reuters, a rating agency of scientific findings, announced NK has published 187 papers in reputable science journals between 2000 and 2012.

Reviewing the publication history, from 2000 to 2006 NK scientists annually published articles abroad totaling in the single digits–except in 2004. However, Reuters reports that since 2007 that the annual average has increased to 28 publications per year.

Of the publications in these foreign journals, 77.5% (or 145) of the publications were joint-research with foreign researchers. Of these joint-research projects, 61.4% (or 89) publications were with the Chinese. This is followed by Germans (27 publications), Australians (9 publications), South Korean (8 publications), American (7 publications) and Japan (5 publications).

The reporting agency claims that the reason why so few NK research was published in international academic journals is that NK lack the appropriate English (communication or writing; it’s not specific) skills.

Thompson Reuters is currently aggregating publications listed with internationally renown and respected academic journals.

In contrast, in 2010 alone, SK scientists have published approximately 40,000 papers in academic journals and American scientists have published approximately 33,000 papers.

The original Korean story can be found here:
2000년 이후 12년간 北국제논문 187건뿐
Hanguk Ilbo


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