2008 Working Papers
WPS 08-9: Alliance of “Tooth and Lips” or Marriage of Convenience? The Origins and Development of the Sino-North Korean Alliance, 1946-1958, by Shen Zhi-Hua, traces the development of Sino-North Korean relations and challenges the “tooth and lips” myth often purported as the basis of their alliance.
WPS 08-8: Dependence and Mistrust: North Korea’s Relations with Moscow and the Evolution of Juche, by Kathryn Weathersby, Ph.D., discusses North Korea’s diplomatic history with the former Soviet Union and the Soviet Communist Party, identifying key events which catalyzed the deterioration of the Soviet-North Korean alliance.
WPS 08-7: Ending the Korean War: Considerations on the Role of History, by Kathryn Weathersby, Ph.D., argues that as the complex task of constructing a peace regime on the Korean peninsula begins, constant confrontation with historical inquiry, which undercuts the natural tendency to simplify and distort the past into national myths that hinder reconciliation, will be necessary.
WPS 08-6: Japan and North Korea: The Long and Twisted Path towards Normalcy, by Gavan McCormack, Ph.D., discusses the diplomatic history of North Korea-Japan relations, including the tensions over the issue of Japanese abductees.
WPS 08-4: How Korea Could Become a Regional Power in Northeast Asia: Building a Northeast Asian Triad, by Im Hyug Baeg, Ph.D., presents strategies for increasing South Korea’s soft power and smart power around Asia in order to close the power gap with its Northeast Asia neighbors, China and Japan.
WPS 08-3: Necessary Enemies: Anti-Americanism, Juche Ideology, and the Tortuous Path to Normalization, by Charles Armstrong, Ph.D., chronicles the development of U.S.-DPRK relations from 1942 to the present, including such contentious issues as the USS Pueblo Incident and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
WPS 08-2: In Pursuit of Peaceful Development in Northeast Asia: China, the Tumen River Development Project and Sino-Korean Relations, by Carla P. Freeman, Ph.D., examines the changing dynamics of China’s relations with both North and South Korea, as well as with ethnic-Korean populations within China, and the implications of these complex relationships for East Asian regional security and cooperation.
WPS 08-1: Korea: An Important Part of India’s Look East Policy, by Walter Andersen, Ph.D., presents a multi-faceted look at growing India-Korea cooperation, including the strengthening of institutional mechanisms for increased trade and investment, and key opportunities and obstacles for increasing strategic cooperation.
Find more about USKI’s Working Paper Series here.