George Mason University law and economics professor Gordon Tullock is retiring. Professor Tullcok is one of the seminal scholars of the Public Choice school of economics and the phenomenon known as “rent seeking.” Although his CV is over 20 pages long, his most referenced work is The Calculus of Consent, co-authored with Professor James Buchanan who was awarded the Nobel Prize for the book’s contributions to economic science.
Professor Tullock began his career in the US State Department, where he had a front row seat to Chairman Mao’s defeat of Chiang Kai-shek. He was actually in Beijing the day the communists entered the city, and for several years afterwards, he worked the China and North Korea desks for the State Department.
Since moving to Virginia in 1999, I have been honored to work down the hall from Professor Tullock, and he has always been a great source of wisdom and humor. I wish to congratulate him for his notable and prolific career(s).