Unfortunately I will be in class this evening, but if you live in the DC area and wish to learn more about North Korea issues, I recommend you make the effort to attend. Details below:
The Sejong Society of Washington, D.C. Event
North Korea Opens
Thursday, September 11, 2008
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Kenney Auditorium
Nitze Building, Johns Hopkins SAIS
1740 Massachussetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC
(Closest Metro: Dupont Circle)
Please RSVP here
The Sejong Society is pleased to host a talk by Marcus Noland, Senior Fellow with the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Dr. Noland will speak on the events and policies that have contributed to a largely unplanned and unintended process of marketization of the North Korean economy.
Reckless policies, international provocations, bad weather, and global economic trends have once again brought the DPRK to the precipice of disaster, and the outcome will be conditioned on the country’s external relations. Specific initiatives could emerge from the Six Party Talks, but not all forms of engagement are equally desirable. Dr. Noland will highlight ways in which the nuclear and aid deals are linked and how greater external security could ultimately encourage greater reform.
This event is free of charge and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP here.