Joong Ang Daily
Brian Lee
In what looked to be part of recent efforts to revive its ailing economy, Pyongyang recently launched a Web site outlining the North’s basic economic policy towards foreign investment and advertising goods ranging from cars to stamps bearing the image of the North’s leader, Kim Jong-il.
Called the “Economic Website of the DPR Korea,” the site can be accessed at or for the English version. Other North Korean sites are blocked here under the National Security Law.
For a reclusive society that is often referred to as an “intelligence black hole” for the lack of detailed information available about it to the outside world, the site contains lots of information on the North, both in Korean and English, covering a wide range of subjects, such as culture.
It also includes a section called the “Pyongyang Times,” in which North Korea reports on events there, such as visits by its leader to industrial sites and military units, as well as events in the South.
The site lists a total of 92 North Korean companies, like the Ocean Maritime Group, with basic company descriptions and contact information.
Orders for goods can be placed via e-mail but the Internet purchasing option available was not working as of yesterday. Some of the items are also missing price information. In its trading section, the Korea Chilmyong Trading Corporation specifically asks for a selling agent for stainless steel cutlery.