FIRST: A visitor to Pyongyang sent me these photos of a North Korean boy wearing a South Park shirt on Mansu Hill:
I trust that I do not need to explain why this is interesting.
SECOND: From Koryo Tours: The latest news from Pyongyang is that Arirang, the spectacular 100,000-strong mass gymnastic event has been extended until October 25th, marking the final performance of the 2010 season. If you haven’t yet seen tens of thousands of people moving in unison, 20,000 students forming a giant mosaic or the dancing eggs that makes Arirang unique, don’t miss our Last Chance Tour. Visitors can also see the massive monuments of Pyongyang, eat food “fit for royalty” in the ancient city of Kaesong and watch the North and South stare each other down at the DMZ. There’s no word yet on whether 2011 will have mass games at all – this just might be Arirang’s last dance. Don’t miss it!
If you are not able to see the Mass Games this year you should still see Centre Forward!
THIRD: has a couple of interesting recent updates from the DPRK. The first claims that all of Pyongyang’s traffic ladies have been replaced by traffic lights. Read the report here. The second report covers a whole list of interesting observations. Check out the report here.
It appears that my lobbying attempts to have Traffic Girls declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site have failed. Nothing was more fun when visiting DPRK then getting a traffic girl to flirt with you. In particular, there was one (who wore aviator sunglasses) who was particularly adept at it, even working it into here traffic direction routine when your vehicle passed through the intersection.
My visit in August saw only one occasion of a traffic girl working, due to flooding. The rest were on the side.
Southpark t-shirt is fascinating, although I have noticed how more than a few Western branded t-shirts have been visible in the DPRK.