Seoul resumes radio broadcasts to DPRK

According to teh Associated Press (5.25.2010):

South Korea is waging psychological warfare against North Korea today after a six year pause, and Pyongyang says its troops are bracing for war amid tensions over the sinking of a warship.

South Korea is blaring radio broadcasts into the North and placing loudspeakers at the border to blast out propaganda to punish Pyongyang.

Although the South Korean government has been out of the game for the last six years, plenty of others have been broadcasting into the DPRK: Free North Korea Radio, Open Radio for North Korea, Radio Free Chosun, Voice of America and  Radio Free Asia.   


2 Responses to “Seoul resumes radio broadcasts to DPRK”

  1. Benoit says:

    Do north koreans have access to radio players that could receive these broadcasts?

  2. mvb says:

    From what I’ve read, citizens in the North cannot listen to outside radio stations. All radios that are imported are “tampered with” so that people can only listen to state radio. Radios simply can’t be adjusted.

    That said, I assume there are people who have “normal” radios or who have been able to take out the clamps that are used to fix dials.