Myanmar severed diplomatic relations with the DPRK after North Korean agents attempted to assassinate South Korea president Chun Doo Hwan on his October 1983 visit to Rangoon.
Diplomatic relations between the two countries were restored in April 2007. Shortly after, North Korea was accused of selling rocket launchers to Myanmar’s SPDC (Orwellian acronym for: State Peace and Development Council)–formerly known as SLORC (State Law and Order Restoration Council).
Now the AFP reports that trade has expanded into natural resources, with which Myanmar is abundantly blessed:
Military-run Myanmar is to begin exporting rubber to North Korea, in a further warming of relations between the reclusive governments of the two countries, a weekly newspaper reported Tuesday.
“They will start by importing at least 10,000 tonnes within the first year,” Khaing Myint of the Myanmar Rubber Planters and Producers Association was quoted as saying by the Myanmar Times.
“We are extremely pleased to add another client nation to our export destinations for our rubber. We expect the first batch to be delivered in October,” Khaing Myint reportedly said.
Read the full article here:
Myanmar to begin rubber exports to North Korea