Failed state index

Foreign Policy has published the 2008 Failed State Index.  North Korea comes in 15th place.  Ahead of it:

1. Somalia
2. Sudan
3. Zimbabwe
4. Chad
5. Iraq
6. Congo
7. Afghanistan
8. Cote d’Ivoire
9. Pakistan
10. Central African Republic
11. Guinea
12. Bangladesh 
12. Burma
14. Haiti

North Korea’s score was based on the following rankings (out of 10):

Domestic Pressures 8.2
Refugees and displaced persons 6.0
Group Grievance 7.2
Human Flight 5.0
Uneven Development 8.8
Economy 9.6
Deligitimization of state 9.8
Public services 9.6
Human rights 9.7
Security apparatus 8.3
Factionalized elites 7.6
External intervention 7.9


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