Chondoism, National Religion


Chondoism is the national religion of Korea. The Chondoists are enjoying their religious life to the full under the protection of the DPRK.

It was founded in 1860 with the idea “Man and God are one” as its principle, for the purpose of building an “earthly paradise” under the banner of “Poguk anmin” (defending the country and providing welfare for the people). From the outset, however, it had to undergo suppression of feudal ruling classes and foreign invaders.

Choe Je U, the founder of the religion who had been called the Most Venerable Suun, and the second leader of the religion were killed by the feudal state of Ri dynasty for their anti-feudal and anti-aggressive spirits. During the Kabo Peasant War (1894 – 1895) and the March First Popular Uprising against the Japanese imperialists, hundreds of thousands of believers were arrested, imprisoned and killed cold-bloodedly.

It was the early winter in Juche 25 (1936) that the religion met its true guardian.

President Kim Il Sung appreciated the patriotic nature of Chondoism and met Tojong (a title of a local leader of Chondoist religion) Pak In Jin. He called for firmly uniting under the banner of the national liberation, transcending differences in ideology, religious faith and political view and led a great number of believers to the sacred war against the Japanese imperialists. After national liberation, he aroused them to building of a new country.

Moved by the noble benevolence of the President who embraced and warmly looked after all the people of the country, the wife of Pak In Jin called him as “Heaven” when she was honored with his audience in 1992.

The Chondoists are also enjoying a happy life under the care of Kim Jong Il.

They are leading a free religious life with the building on a beautiful bank of the River Taedong. Chondoists who were elected deputies to the Supreme People’s Assembly are taking part in the political affairs of the country and are doing a lot of good things for the DPRK.

Pak In Jin, Kang Je Ha, Pak U Chon, Ryo Pung Gu and others who contributed to the liberation, prosperity and development of the country were laid to rest in the Patriotic Martyrs’ Cemetery.


One Response to “Chondoism, National Religion”

  1. Gilson Wenceslau Flores Rodrigues says:

    My name is Gilson and I live in Brazil.

    I would like to know about the address of the Chondoism in Brazil?
