New Air Koryo terminal

Pictured above: The new Air Koryo terminal at Sunan Airport via Air Koryo’s unofficial facebook page.

According to the unofficial fan page:

The new terminal at Pyongyang’s Sunan International Airport is in 100% use as of the 15th of July 2011. The new terminal features modernised facilities for luggage, security, customs, border control and the list goes on to an extent.

The building can be seen in the KCNA video “Chinese Art Group Here” dated 2011-7-7.  Sorry, KCNA’s web page does not make it easy to link to videos or stories.  Hopefully they will change that soon.

The building is too recent to appear on Google Earth imagery, which means construction began after 2010-9-15.

Big hat tip to a reader!


2 Responses to “New Air Koryo terminal”

  1. Guest says:

    To me it looks like it’s the long-time existing building right of the old terminal, just given a new outer appearance.

    • Anonymous says:

      According to comments on the unofficial Air Koryo Facebook page it’s a temporary building next to the old terminal, which is being renovated for the centenary of Kim Il Sung’s birth in 2012.